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Region Profile

Region 6 - Southwest Region

Region 6 is the Southwest Region of American Mensa. It is made up of 15 local groups spread throughout Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas. The chapters of Region 6 vary wildly in size, as it simultaneously is home to two of the 10 largest and two of the 10 smallest chapters. Region 6 was the birthplace of one of American Mensa’s best known features, CultureQuest. CultureQuest began as a competition between two local groups in Region 6 in 1990. In 1991, almost all Region 6 groups participated, and CultureQuest expanded to a national competition in 1992. Region 6 hosts three Regional Gatherings annually, with additional RGs sporadically held every few years. The region has also hosted 7 Annual Gatherings, 3 Colloquiums, and 2 Mind Games. In 2021, both the Annual Gathering and Colloquium will return to Region 6 when the events are held in Houston, TX

Chapter Officers

Name Position
David McCallister Region Vice Chair
Bob Bevard Regional Ombudsperson
Douglas Williams Regional Scholarship Chair
Douglas Williams Regional Scholarship Chair
Tyler Kaufman Region YAM Coordinator